Surveyors conducting authorised surveys under the regulations should be conversant with the provisions of the Licensed Surveyors Act and all other Acts and Regulations. A knowledge and awareness of this legislation is necessary to enable efficient discharge of the duties of a surveyor.
The following is a list of legislation of the Parliament of Western Australia that has some relevance to the activities of licensed surveyors.
Licensed Surveyors Act 1909
- Transfer of Land Act 189
- Land Administration Act 1997
- Standard Survey Marks Act 1924
- Town Planning and Development Act 1928
- Building Act 201
- Public Works Act 190
- Local Government Act 196
- Property Law Act 196
- Mining Act 197
- Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994
- Strata Titles Act 1985
- Limitation Act 193
- Dividing Fences Act 1961
- Occupational Safety, and Health Act 1984
- Environmental Protection Act 198
- Western Australian Planning Commission Act 198
- Metropolitan Region Town Planning Scheme Act 195
- Street Alignment Act 188
- Land Boundaries Act 1841
- Water Agencies (Powers) Act 1984
- Licensed Surveyors (Guidance of Surveyors) Regulations 196
- Licensed Surveyors (Licensing and Registration) Regulations 1990
- Licensed Surveyors (Transfer of Land Act1893) Regulations 1961
- Transfer of Land Regulations 199
- Transfer of Land (Surveys) Regulations 199
- Land Administration Regulations 1998
- Town Planning and Development (Easement) Regulations 198
- Town Planning and Development (Subdivisions) Regulations 200
- Town Planning Regulations 1967
- Strata Titles General Regulations 1996
- Mining Regulations 196
- Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995
- Strata Titles Ac
- Dividing Fences Regulations 1971
Thursday, April 9, 2015